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Cost reduction for customers, and common development with customers!2014-07-07 08:48:56 星期一

Talent Tecruitment

Contact Us

Guangdong Zhongke Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd.

Address: 1/F, Building No. 5, No. 255, Guantai Avenue, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Address: No. 100, Qima Road, Jingjia Town, Huantai County, Zibo City, Guangdong Province (factory)

Address: Qilidian, Train Station North, Licheng County, Shanxi Province (factory)

Tel.: 0769-22817929 22817976

Fax: 0769-22424976

E-mail: gdzkpac@126.com

Website: www.gdzkjscl.com www.gdzkpac.com

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The salesman
Job descriptions:
Work in the business for more than six months, the moral qua
Job specification
Job title: The salesman Working place: Dongguan hiring: 10
Sex: no limit linkman: Job sector: The personnel department
wages: negotiable Hiring time: release date: 2014-07-15
Other requirements
At least 18 years of age, graduated from high school, work in the business for more than six months, the moral quality is good, love the sales industry, strong learning ability, dare to challenge, bears hardships and stands hard work, good strain capacity and language communication skills; Proficient in office software operation.

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