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Cost reduction for customers, and common development with customers!2014-07-07 08:48:56 星期一

Production Base

Contact Us

Guangdong Zhongke Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd.

Address: 1/F, Building No. 5, No. 255, Guantai Avenue, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Address: No. 100, Qima Road, Jingjia Town, Huantai County, Zibo City, Guangdong Province (factory)

Address: Qilidian, Train Station North, Licheng County, Shanxi Province (factory)

Tel.: 0769-22817929 22817976

Fax: 0769-22424976

E-mail: gdzkpac@126.com

Website: www.gdzkjscl.com www.gdzkpac.com

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